Shadow Network Framework  0.0.2-alpha
C Server Library for Shadow Network Framework
No Matches
SNF's Requests

◄ Previous: SNF's OPCodes

About Requests

Request are like the packages that would be transferred back and forth between client and server

Generating a Request

Generating Request depends on either it's as a response request, or as a server request to the client, See SNF_Request_t::UID for more detail about the difference.

A Response Request (Standard)

a standard way under normal cicumstances requires 3 things

  1. Client's Original Request (See  Add a command )
  2. The Response's OPCode ( See Generate OPCodes )
  3. The Response's argument.
1. Arguments could be NULL
2. For more about generating arguments that go along with the Request Check this

and then we'll call snf_request_gen_response

for the sake for simplicity, no error handling was included in the example

Example We want to write the respondtoclient function defined in  Add a command

SNF_RQST * respondtoclient(SNF_RQST * Request)
// Generate your Request's Response OPCode
// Generate your Request's Argument ( Assuming we only have one argument)
// Remember that Content Must be a string for this version
SNF_RQST_ARG * arg = snf_request_arg_gen("<Argument Content>");
Request, // Client's Original Request
op, // Your Request's OPCode
arg // Your Request's Content
Do Whatever you want to do with Server Response
return ServerResponse;
SNF_opcode * snf_opcode_get(SNF_opcode_mmbr_t Category, SNF_opcode_mmbr_t SubCategory, SNF_opcode_mmbr_t Command, SNF_opcode_mmbr_t Detail)
Fetches a fully structured OPcode.
SNF_RQST * snf_request_gen_response(SNF_RQST *Original, SNF_opcode *OPCODE, SNF_RQST_ARG *Args)
Generates a new response request.
SNF_RQST_ARG * snf_request_arg_gen(const char *arg)
Generates a new Argumment.
Definition request.h:48
The Structure for saving Requests.
Definition request.h:27
Structure for the opcode.
Definition opcode.h:28

A Response Request (Using Base OPCode)

Instead of using the Standard function for creating a response request you could create a request using another method that requires 3 things

  1. Client's Original Request (See  Add a command )
  2. The Base Command's defining byte
  3. The Base Command Detail's defining byte
As for aguments follow Generating Arguments

and then we'll call snf_request_gen_base (Or snf_request_genu_base if you don't want the set a detail )

for the sake for simplicity, no error handling was included in the example

Example We want to write the respondtoclient function defined in  Add a command

SNF_RQST * respondtoclient(SNF_RQST * Request)
SNF_RQST *ServerResponse = snf_request_gen_base(
Request, // Client's Original Request
0xFF, // Base Command
0x01 // Base Detail
// Or for undetailed base OPCode
// SNF_RQST *ServerResponse = snf_request_genu_base(
// Request, // Client's Original Request
// 0xFF // Base Command
// );
Do Whatever you want to do with Server Response
return ServerResponse;
SNF_RQST * snf_request_gen_base(SNF_RQST *Original, SNF_opcode_mmbr_t Command, SNF_opcode_mmbr_t Detail)
Generates a response request using base OPCode.

A Custom Request

Assuming you want to sent a request to a client (eg: Broadcasting a message or a Server Event) then we can formulate a Custom Request using: UID will equal NULLREQUEST

Generating Arguments

The arguments for snf 0.0.2-alpha currently require to be string representations, however this will definetly be changed in upcoming versions of the framework and protocol, so for addming you require 1 argument

  1. The Content

then we'll call snf_request_arg_gen which returns a SNF_RQST_ARG *

Adding Arguments

Adding arguments to a request is easy

For Requests generated using the "Standard Method"

if you want to create your request using the Standard Method you can directly add your first argument directly when declaring your request as the 3rd argument.

It is possible to use For requests generated without the "Standard Method" to register your first argument assuming you put NULL as your 3rd argument

See this for adding multiple arguments

For requests generated without the "Standard Method"

Adding your arguments requires you to generate the request first and also your arguments before adding them

and then we add them by calling snf_request_arg_insert


int main()
//Asuming our generated request is this
SNF_RQST * Rqst;
//Asuming our argument is this
// We'll add `arg` into `Rqst`

See this for adding multiple arguments

For multiple arguments

Technically you can use snf_request_arg_insert to add as many request as you want and not just the first argument, however if you're adding a bunch of arguments using said function is uneffective as it will keep rereading the Linked list saving the arguments over and over again,

So it's better to follow this algorithm to add them:

  1. Create your First Argument in a variable
  2. Add it into your request using either
  3. Treat the first argument as a head of a linked list and add new argument
    arg1->next = snf_request_gen(..);
    arg1 = arg1->next;
    SNF_RQST * snf_request_gen()
    Generates a new empty request.
    SNF_RQST_ARG * next
    The next argument.
    Definition request.h:52
  4. keep repeating Step 3. until you've added all of your arguments then go to Step 5.
  5. You're done! now your request contains all of your arguments!

Sending Requests

If you're writing an OPCode command's function (Aka. A response function ) then you shouldn't worry about how to send your request, just return it in that function and it will be handled automatically.

However if you're sending a custom request then you must send the request through snf_request_send which requires 2 arguments

  1. The Client
  2. The Request to send
For snf 0.0.2-alpha you must LOCK the client before Sending any request and must UNLOCK after sending your request. and NEVER DO YOUR OWN TCP COMMUNICATION ON THE SOCKET MANUALLY

Example We want to send a custom request req

/// Add this include
#include <pthread.h>
int main()
// Assuming req has been created per our need
SNF_RQST *req;
// Assuming clt is our Client
SNF_CLT * clt;
snf_request_send(clt, req);
void snf_request_send(SNF_CLT *Client, SNF_RQST *Request)
Send a request to a Client.
The structure for each saved client.
Definition clt.h:24
pthread_mutex_t mutex
Mutex used to avoid Race Condition.
Definition clt.h:26

Freeing Requests

If your request is being sent by returning said request, it will be automatically consumed and will be free'd, however for requests sent using snf_request_send must be free'd using snf_request_free which also free's arguments on it's own.


int main()
// Assuming req has been created per our need
SNF_RQST *req;
void snf_request_free(SNF_RQST *Request)
Frees a SNF_RQST *.

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