Shadow Network Framework  0.0.2-alpha
C Server Library for Shadow Network Framework
No Matches
SNF's OPCodes

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About OPCodes

opcodes is a structure meaning to define actions to be performed on both the client and server side, and it's made of 4 parts each representing an OPCode Member which is a code defining one of the 4 ranks

  1. Category
  2. SubCategory
  3. Command
  4. Detail

Currently opcodes are a set of 4 byte where each part is a byte

What to do

To make use of SNF you must define your own opcode hierachy to make use of the server

Your OPCodes hierachy must match with both the clients and servers, so be careful to not miss anything inbetween

To define your hierachy you must define instances of opcode members according to their ranks from to buttom, aka :

  1. Define the Categories
  2. Define the Subcategories
  3. Define the Commands
  4. Define the Details

How to:

To use the core headers of snf you can include

#include <SNF.h>

or if you want to include this specific header file only

#include <SNF/opcode.h>
This file Defines everything related to Opcodes ( Short for OP**eartion**Codes )


Before adding anything you must initialize the opcode structure which adds the base opcodes which are mandatory for the normal running the underlying protocol.
you can do that by calling snf_opcode_init before starting anything

for the sake for simplicity, no error handling was included in the example
#include <SNF/opcode.h>
int main()
int snf_opcode_init()
Initializes the SNF's opcodes.

Adding OPCode Members

Add a category

Adding a category requires you 2 things

  1. A defining byte for the category
  2. A String definition of the category (OPTIONAL, can be "" or NULL);

and then we'll call snf_opcode_define_category

The Defining byte must be different than 0 as Category with defining byte 0 is the BASE Category
for the sake for simplicity, no error handling was included in the example

Example We want to define a Category (0x01) for "Example things"

int main()
0x01, // The Category's code
"Example things" //The Category's definition
int snf_opcode_define_category(SNF_opcode_mmbr_t Code, const char *Definition)
Defines an opcode Category.

 Add a subcategory

Nerver add anything to the BASE Category (0x00)

To add a subcategory you require 3 things

  1. The parent category's defining byte
  2. A defining byte for the subcategory
  3. A String definition of the byte (OPTIONAL, can be "" or NULL);

and then we'll call snf_opcode_define_sub_category

for the sake for simplicity, no error handling was included in the example

Example We want to define a Subategory (0x00) for "Example 2"

int main()
0x01, // The Category's code
0x00, // the Sub Category's Code
"Example 2"
int snf_opcode_define_sub_category(SNF_opcode_mmbr_t Category, SNF_opcode_mmbr_t Code, const char *Definition)
Defines an opcode Sub-Category.

 Add a command

Nerver add anything to the BASE Category(0x00) ( Including any Subcategory )

To add a subcategory you require 5 things

  1. The parent category's defining byte
  2. The parent subcategory's defining byte
  3. A defining byte for the command
  4. A function that would be called if the client raises this opcode.
  5. A String definition of the byte (OPTIONAL, can be "" or NULL);

and then we'll call snf_opcode_define_command

for the sake for simplicity, no error handling was included in the example

Example We want to define a Command (0x00) for "Example Command"

First we must define our function that would be called when a connected client raises this opcode

The Function MUST take a SNF_RQST * as an argument, which is the client's original request, and the return of this function will be sent to the client if it is not NULL.
More about request is documented at SNF's Requests.
SNF_RQST * respondtoclient(SNF_RQST * Request)
/// Handle Your request
/// And generate your response request
return <Your Response Reqst or NULL>;
The Structure for saving Requests.
Definition request.h:27


int main()
0x01, // The Category's code
0x00, // the Sub Category's Code
0x00, // the Command's Code
"Example Command", // The Command's definition
respondtoclient // The command's function
int snf_opcode_define_command(SNF_opcode_mmbr_t Category, SNF_opcode_mmbr_t SubCategory, SNF_opcode_mmbr_t Code, const char *Definition, SNF_RQST *(func)(SNF_RQST *))
Defines an opcode Command.

 Add a command's detail

Nerver add anything to the BASE Category(0x00) ( Including any Subcategory or Command )
Details are not mandatory, and are extentions for the Commands.
by default every command will have one detail whose defining byte equals to 0x00 (Click to see more) so any detail you add to any command MUST start with 0x01

To add a subcategory you require 5 things

  1. The parent category's defining byte
  2. The parent subcategory's defining byte
  3. The parent command's defining byte
  4. A defining byte for the command's detail
  5. A String definition of the byte (OPTIONAL, can be "" or NULL);

and then we'll call snf_opcode_define_detail

for the sake for simplicity, no error handling was included in the example

Example We want to define a Detail(0x01) for "Example Detail"

int main()
0x01, // The Category's code
0x00, // the Sub Category's Code
0x00, // the Command's Code
0x01, // the Detail's Code
"Example Detail"
int snf_opcode_define_detail(SNF_opcode_mmbr_t Category, SNF_opcode_mmbr_t SubCategory, SNF_opcode_mmbr_t Command, SNF_opcode_mmbr_t Code, const char *Definition)
Defines an opcode Detail.

Generate OPCodes

After defining your opcode structure, you're gonna need to generate opcodes to use in your requests.

Generate a Detailed OPCode

a "Detailed OPCode" is an OPCode that has a detail member whose defining byte differs from SNF_OPCODE_BASE_DET_UNDETAILED (0x00)

which requires you 4 Arguments

  1. The category's defining byte
  2. The subcategory's defining byte
  3. The command's defining byte
  4. The command detail's defining byte and then we'll call snf_opcode_get


int main()
0x01, // Category
0x00, // Sub Category
0x00, // Command
0x01 // Detail
SNF_opcode * snf_opcode_get(SNF_opcode_mmbr_t Category, SNF_opcode_mmbr_t SubCategory, SNF_opcode_mmbr_t Command, SNF_opcode_mmbr_t Detail)
Fetches a fully structured OPcode.
Structure for the opcode.
Definition opcode.h:28

Generate an Undetailed OPCode

an "Detailed OPCode" is an opcode that has a detail member whose defining byte does not differ from SNF_OPCODE_BASE_DET_UNDETAILED (0x00), which requires the same as Generating a detailed command execpt it doesnt require the defining byte to a detail

and then we'll call snf_opcode_getu


int main()
0x01, // Category
0x00, // Sub Category
0x00 // Command
SNF_opcode * snf_opcode_getu(SNF_opcode_mmbr_t Category, SNF_opcode_mmbr_t SubCategory, SNF_opcode_mmbr_t Command)
Fetches a fully structured OPcode using the default Detail.

Generate a Detailed Base OPCode

a "Detailed base OPCode" is a Base OPCode that has a detail member whose defining byte differs from SNF_OPCODE_BASE_DET_UNDETAILED (0x00)

which requires you only 2 Arguments

  1. The command's defining byte
  2. The command detail's defining byte

and then we'll call snf_opcode_get_base

Example we want to get an opcode with The base command INVALID with the ERROR_PROTOCOL Detail

int main()
When client's request was invalid either, wrong version or incomplete request.
Definition opcode.h:260
Protocol used is invalid.
Definition opcode.h:264
SNF_opcode * snf_opcode_get_base(SNF_opcode_mmbr_t Command, SNF_opcode_mmbr_t Detail)
Fetches a fully structured OPcode with a base "Command".

Generate a Detailed Base OPCode

an "Unetailed base OPCode" is a Base OPCode that has a detail member whose defining byte does not differ from SNF_OPCODE_BASE_DET_UNDETAILED (0x00)

which requires you only 1 Arguments

  1. The command's defining byte

and then we'll call snf_opcode_getu_base

Example we want to get an opcode with The base command CONFIRM

int main()
SNF_opcode * snf_opcode_getu_base(SNF_opcode_mmbr_t Command)
Fetches a fully structured OPcode witha base "Command" using the default Detail.
When client's reuqest was confirmed.
Definition opcode.h:252

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