Shadow Network Framework  0.0.2-alpha
C Server Library for Shadow Network Framework
No Matches

Overall Structure

The C Library for the Server side of Shadow Network Framework contains headers that could be split onto two categories

  • Independant Headers : Which are building blocks for the framework, they contain general purpose tools and could be used independantly like Thread Pools ..etc, you -the developper- can use those headers even if you dont want to use the network protocol provided by SNF.
  • Core SNF Headers : -Just like name suggests- they're the core headers required to make use of SNF, they allow you to set variables, opcodes( which are similair to instructions ), starting the protocol ...etc.

Independent Headers

The independent headers do not require you to use anyother header file nor use any SNF related file, you could use them on your own

Those headers serve their own purpose:

Core SNF Headers

these headers expose the core nessecities for this framework and what allows it to run the protocol, if you're starting to get around with SNF then it is recommended to know and configure them on the order (from top to buttom):

  1. SNF's Variables
  2. SNF's OPCodes
  3. SNF's Requests
  4. SNF's Networking/Connectivity
The headers cmds.h , utility.h and epoll.h must be ignored and are used only for the inner workings of SNF